March 2, 2025

The Business Behind Red Carpet Product Placement

Is there an “Award Show Season”?  Absolutely!   Just one look at the schedule and you’ll know it is time to get busy!  Will Work for Shoes is an easy to read guide that will help you get your product in front of a celebrity.  

J Lo’s Celebrity Marketing Misses The Target

 Unless you’re visiting another planet, you’ve seen those pricey produced Fiat commercials with Jennifer Lopez as the new “face” of Fiat.  It seems that “Jenny from the block” commercials aren’t actually filmed in the Bronx.  I’m a fan of Jennifer’s but that news doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that I simply don’t believe […]

Michael J Palladino – Director at LIM College New York Says About “Will Work For Shoes”

“Work for Shoes offers clarity and valuable information about the impact of branding and product placement that is so needed in the world today! Susan Ashbrook shares her personal insights based on real life experience that point to success and not the scripted anecdotes of well meaning wannabes!”

Making Your Red Carpet Event Work

What can you do when you can’t connect with a celebrity? Don’t re-invent the wheel!  Huge brands look for intimate events to connect with local clients.  Louis Vuitton, Kate Spade and Tommy Bahama are just a few companies that offer local events for small groups after store hours AND sometimes they offer up snacks and […]

Chicago’s Fashion Group Gave Rave Reviews to Susan J Ashbrook

Susan Glick, Vice President of Women’s Apparel Merchandise Mart Properties, said “This fashion savvy group (Chicago’s Fashion Group International) gave you rave reviews. I wish you much success with your book and all your future endeavors.”