March 4, 2025

Teen Marketing Muscle

Enjoyed reading Keith Richard’s book “Life”.  Keith talks about the power of teenage females and the advertising business that created the term “teenager” – a market for clothing, cosmetics, music and literature.  “I was never more in fear for my life than I was from teenage girls“.  Keith might be fearful but if you’re interested in […]

Lancome’s Celebrity Marketing Grand Slam

Hogwart’s beauty, Emma Watson, recently joined Lancome’s Grand Slam of celebrities to become an ambassador for the brand’s Tresor Midnight Rose.  Emma shows she has a real fashion “scent” along with Julia Roberts, Penelope Cruz, Kate Winslet and Anne Hathaway.  With the film’s opening gross reaching $169,189,427, we think Emma has quite a few fans […]

Know Thy Customer – Selecting The Best Celebrity to Promote Your Brand

If you make a sassy hair ornament that would attract Willow Smith for her new video “Whip My Hair 2”, you certainly wouldn’t want Betty White on your target list. We all love Betty White, but make sure you find celebrities with a similar age range, fan base and appreciation for your product.  Vanity Fair Magazine, experienced […]

The Wall Street Journal Reviews “Will Work For Shoes”

” A voyeuristic peek behind the curtain”

Fashion Designer Jenny Packham’s Persistence Scores a Hit on the Red Carpet

 When I signed British fashion designer, Jenny Packham, for representation in the US I knew her designs would make it big on the red carpet.  Her formula;  elegance, form fitting, eye catching.  Just check out this stunning confection on Holly Hunter.  With the sea of celebrities who discoved Jenny first, it’s no surprize that Princess Katherine […]